Nelson Mandela International Day (July 18th)

He achieved more than could be expected of any man and today he’s gone home. we’ve lost one of the most iNFLuential, courageous, and profoundly good human beings that any of us will ever share time with on this Earth. He no longer belongs to us. He belongs to the ages.
President Obama Speaking About Nelson Mandela
There was one man who has been lauded for leading the charge to put an end to apartheid in South Africa, and who then went on to serve as President of South Africa for 5 years after he put an end to it. He is an inspiration to all who knew him and a hero for the ages. Mandela day recalls the life of Nelson Mandela and reminds us of the necessity for strong men and women to stand up against injustice.
History of Nelson Mandela International Day
Nelson Mandela was born in Mvezo in Umata as Rolihlahla, an appropriate forename meaning “troublemaker” in Xhosa. His great-grandfather was Ngubengcuka, King of the Thembu of the Transkeian Territories. Throughout his life he fought as a revolutionary against the terrors of Apartheid, and served time in prison as a result, spending 28 years there before his release in 1990. In 1991 he began his negotiations to end apartheid, finally succeeding in putting an end to it in that year.
The rest of his life was spent working to better the lives of people in South Africa and continue to expand civil liberties within the country. He was much beloved by leaders and common people everywhere, and upon his death in 2013. Nelson Mandela International Day reminds us of the life and times of this hero and the work he did in his life and encourages all of us to continue his good works in our own.
How to celebrate Nelson Mandela International Day
The heart of Nelson Mandela International Day is service to others and the creation of a better world for everyone. Get out there and find the injustices in your neighborhood, city, or state and do everything you can to help alleviate them. Do not think that such grand gestures as those made by Mandela are necessary, it takes every small effort of everyone working together to create a world that’s fair and just for everyone. Work in soup kitchens, marched with protesters, volunteer in local organizations and work to help bring about civil liberties for everyone. Inspire change, and make every day a celebration of Nelson Mandela International Day.
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