Dragon Ball Fans Are Roasting Budokai Tenkaichi's Weird Intro

Dragon Ball fans are taking a look back at Budokai Tenkaichi's iconic intro and roasting some of the weirder aspects of it, like Frieza's walking animation and Goku and Vegeta briefly turning into bobbleheads.

Earlier this month, Bandai Namco finally did what every Dragon Ball fan has been waiting for since 2007 and confirmed that a new Budokai Tenkaichi Game is in development. Sadly, beyond a brief clip of Goku going Super Saiyan Blue, there's not much we actually know about the Game. That hasn't stopped the excitement (and fear for our controllers), however, as fans are taking a look back at the series to help pass the time.

Related: Budokai Tenkaichi 4 Is The Dragon Ball Game We've Been Waiting For


Although most of this nostalgia has been positive, it's also led to a bit of friendly roasting. One of the most popular targets over the past few days has been the first Budokai Tenkaichi and its iconic intro, which we all remember rocking out to before jumping into the Game. As great as the intro still is today, there are some moments that look a little strange.

The most popular example making the rounds on Twitter over the past week is in the middle of the intro where all the villains are shown off. While Kid Buu and Cell look normal, Frieza walks in with a very strange animation that makes him look extremely out of place. One Twitter user, shiny244, shared a clip of Frieza walking in, saying, "Why does freeza walk in like that?".

Fans have been editing the clip to add music to that scene that suits Frieza's goofy walk, which just highlights how weird it is compared to the rest of the intro. It's not the only strange moment that fans remember, however - Twitter user namreh_ replied to the tweet with a clip of Goku and Vegeta at the end of the intro where they grin at each other and give a really weird nod to one another, saying, "The real question should be: Why do Goku and Vegeta bob their heads like this?".

It's not been just roasting, thankfully, as there have also been some examples of fans looking back on the intro fondly. One popular example comes from Twitter user KFTragic, who pointed out that the section of the intro where Goku and Kid Buu fight in the "instant transmission dimension" was so "raw". I have to agree on how cool that moment was, even if all I can see from the intro now is how shiny and clay-like everyone looks.

Next: Everywhere Preview: We Have Fortnite At Home


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