Sons Of The Forest Players Are Using The Notebook To Sled Down Mountains
Sons of the Forest is having a hell of an early access release. In just 24 hours the Game sold 2 million copies. In a week, it went from 18,000 positive reviews to nearly 50,000. As of the time of this writing, Sons of the Forest is Steam’s fifth most popular Game in terms of concurrent player count.
However, the survival horror Game is still in early access, which means you can expect a fair share of bugs and glitches. One recently discovered bug seems to turn the player into an invincible sled that lets them slide down mountains without taking a single scratch.
As shown by IGN video producer Mard Medina, all you have to do is open your notebook from a moving start. Having the notebook open places the player in a state where they can take no damage, including damage that would normally be applied from falling. Curiously, the notebook also seems to remove almost all friction from the player, allowing them to slide down inclines with increasing velocity.
In effect, you go from being a mere survivalist in a demon-infested forest to becoming an invincible human sled that’s able to cross vast distances in seconds.
This bug appears to be a variation of the old menu bug that's popped up in many Games over the years. Developers don't want players to be vulnerable while looking at menus, so it's common for them to place the player in an invincible state. It seems Endnight Games just forgot to also make the player stationary while the notebook is open.
Now that we know about it, I'd expect this bug to get patched out pretty quickly, either by making the player stationary or by removing the invincibility imparted by having the notebook open. Best make use of the glitch while you can!
Another bug that players should be aware of is Kelvin, the NPC helper. Kelvin isn't very smart and is liable to chop down your tree house if you send him out to collect wood.
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