Marvel's Avengers Leaker Finds Voice Lines For She-Hulk And Captain Marvel

A Marvel's Avengers insider has found dialogue for Captain Marvel and She-Hulk in the files of the 2.72 patch for the Game, confirming that Carol Danvers was eventually going to be added to the roster of heroes.

Last week, Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix confirmed that the final update for Marvel's Avengers would be released at the end of March, with support work on the Game ending in September. Although it's been speculated for some time that development on Marvel's Avengers was going to end in 2023, most players at least thought that we'd at least see some of the rumoured heroes become playable.

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It seems that we weren't far off seeing that happen. Marvel's Avengers insider mmmmmmmmiller has recently uncovered outpost banter voice lines for Captain Marvel and She-Hulk in the files of Patch 2.7.2, implying that they were the next two heroes planned to be added to the Game. We already knew She-Hulk was on the way, as her voice actor had previously revealed that she was coming, but Captain Marvel was never formally announced.


Miller highlighted the voice lines, which would play when interacting with characters in an outpost, in a lengthy Twitter thread. It's worth noting that both She-Hulk and Captain Marvel's lines are just text-to-speech and not currently voiced. Even with that in mind, their appearance in the Game's files implies that the two heroes were next in line to be added to the Game.

The thread of interactions is fairly long, but some of the highlights include Jennifer and Jane talking about the possibility of an Avengers Game night (if Bruce can keep his temper in check) and Carol admitting that Maria Hill's cat isn't a real cat. She-Hulk's voice actor, Krizia Bajos, even replied to the thread and said that it was nice to be appreciated for work that never got released.

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